
Código de Ética e Conduta

Objectives Of The Code Of Ethics And Conduct

The main objective of this Code of Ethics and Conduct is to share with all concerned parties MD Textiles commitment to sustainable development, with special focus on the principles and values that guide us as a socially responsible company.

To this purpose, a set of ethical and deontological rules were defined, which define our daily practices, both with each of our employees and with third entities with whom we relate in the value chain, such as suppliers, customers, subcontractors, among other important entities in our system, who must also comply with this code of ethics and conduct.

Mission / Vision / Values


A MD Textiles assumes Quality as the key to the company's success and the means to achieve the satisfaction and trust of our customers. For this, we have a work methodology that is based on teamwork. We have a passionate and determined team, whose actions are based on this code of ethics and conduct. Every day our collaborators are motivated to improve their work, in order to achieve the continuous improvement of the organization. We aim to present products and service of excellent quality to our customer, resulting in a relationship of trust towards our company. To this end we execute our work with competence, quality and honesty.


Our company is fundamentally based on the vision that we have for the future. Consolidate our position in the market, presenting ourselves as a reference company in the development and production of knitted garments in different market segments. Through innovation, constant training of our employees and investment in new technologies, we intend to raise the level of our products, so that we can reach new markets and new market segments.


We work towards creating a "family" at work, in which each person plays his or her part for the good overall performance of the company. Through professional training and progressive modernization of the company, we will be able to be recognized for our human capital and the quality product offered.

To do this, we consider important values of the organization:
- Transparency (from management to workers, and vice versa)
- Creativity and Innovation
- Valuing Human Capital and Social Responsibility
- Sustainability throughout the production chain


MD Textiles undertakes to comply with all national and international laws and regulations applicable to its activity, which include:
Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the United Nations (UN)

Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the United Nations (UN)

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The United Nations Organization Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

The United Nations Organization Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

Public policies on gender equality and conciliation between professional, family and personal life

Public policies on gender equality and conciliation between professional, family and personal life

Portuguese Republic Constitution (CRP)

Portuguese Republic Constitution (CRP)

Labor Code (CT)

Labor Code (CT)

OECD Guidelines - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

OECD Guidelines - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Among others.



We care about the Health and Well-being of all our employees. To this end, the company ensures a healthy and safe work environment. We are constantly working to improve working conditions, as a result of risk assessments and suggestions for improvement from collaborators. For the prevention and action in Safety, actions are developed for all employees, awareness and training, for the adoption of safety behaviors, as well as action measures in case of accident or fire.




All people are treated equally in hiring, setting remuneration and access to training. The same behavior is always ensured in relation to any employee, without favoritism, penalties or deprivation of any right. Discrimination of any nature is not admitted: age, sex, race or ethnicity, sexual orientation, nationality, religion or belief, or any other basis of discriminatory character.




Child labor is not permitted in the company, as well as in our company's partners. For this, the minimum age allowed is 18 years old.




It does not use or admit the use of forced labor, either through threats or punishment or physical imposition. People are free, and no retention of identification documents or part of the salary is done as a way to keep in the company. People are free to leave their jobs after serving the notice period defined by law. Precarious work is not admitted, for which an employment contract is concluded with the agreed conditions and in accordance with the legislation in force regarding its renewal and termination.




Respect among all employees is one of the company's main principles. Any kind of disrespectful or violent behavior, such as verbal or physical offenses, is not allowed.




Wages should meet the worker's basic needs and provide some extra income and should at least comply with what is established by law. To this end, it is fulfilled, at the very least, with what is established by law. The timetable is established according to the legislation in force, complying with the 40 Hours per week. The employment contract defines the conditions between the company and the employee, obligations and duties, as well as remuneration, working hours, as determined by labor law. The employment contract is signed by both parts, evidencing agreement with what is contractually established. MD Textiles promotes work planning and organizational methods aimed at better balancing the family and/or personal needs of the employee and promoting a balanced participation of men and women in public and private life.




No harassment of any kind, whether moral or sexual, is allowed. Therefore, any kind of unwanted behavior that could cause a hostile, humiliating, or destabilizing environment is not allowed.




Freedom of association and the right to collective negotiation is allowed, respecting employees' freedom to form or join unions, as well as their right to collective bargaining, without any negative consequences, retaliation or discrimination.




Migrant people have the same rights and duties as local people and those in the organization, whether for remuneration, hiring, access to training, or other social criteria mentioned in this Code of Conduct, safeguarding compliance with the law in force.




All MD Textiles employees develop their functions and relationships with their partners - customers, suppliers, and other entities, based on an ethical culture and conduct of honesty and fair commercial relations. Improper conducts of active or passive corruption and bribery are not admissible either for employees or for partners are not admissible.




MD Textiles ensures the collection, compilation, and treatment of data from the supply chain - customers, suppliers and other partners, including data from collaborators, safeguarding the protection of data in accordance with the current legislation, committing itself to use them only in business relationships as well as in compliance with the legal and regulatory obligations attached to the activity. Practices of falsification, omission, alteration, erasures of any type of information/data and documents involved in business relationships throughout the supply chain are not admitted.

Monitoring The Implementation Of This Code

For the purpose of suggestions for improvement/complaints / complaints regarding
this Code of Ethics and Conduct:

Internally - MD Textiles' employees can do it through the "Suggestions and
Complaints" box in the social room.

Externally - by submitting a message on the company's web page or by e-mail to
Commercial or Purchasing – [email protected]

The Certifications Manager Sara Oliveira [email protected] ensures, together
with the Management, the compliance and application of this Code of Conduct
throughout the supply chain, not being allowed any deviation from ethical behavior
regarding bribery, extortion or corruption in relations with its partners, nor with its

For any denunciation or complaint, an e-mail should be sent to the Certifications
Manager, who will deal with it and forward it appropriately.

Obligations Of Suppliers And Subcontractors

MD Textiles informs its suppliers and subcontractors of the commitments, as well as the requirements, assumed in this Code of Ethics and Conduct.

It is the responsibility of Suppliers and Subcontractors to collaborate in the verification of this Code of Ethics and Conduct, through audits, allowing access to auditing teams, internal or external to our organization, in order to verify compliance with Social Responsibility requirements.

If non-conformities are detected, the supplier or subcontractor shall define the resulting corrective actions. To this end, they should send the implementation plan of the actions so that MD Textiles can monitor its implementation.

If the supplier or subcontractor does not define corrective actions, MD Textiles must analyze the contract, and may even terminate the contractual relationship.
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